Press Release

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About Families to Freedom Inc.

Families to Freedom provides free transportation services to victims and their children who have experienced domestic abuse and family violence. We make it possible for victims and new survivors to get far away from abusive relationships. Families to Freedom’s life-saving services include car rides to domestic violence shelters across Texas, road trips to family homes in other states, multi-state bus tickets, and fuel assistance to relocate far away. We serve shelter survivors as well as victims not yet in a safe place. Our service is available to victims from across North Texas, East Texas and the Gulf Coast region. Families to Freedom serves over 1,000 victims and children each year, and relies on the generous support of the donors, businesses and dedicated volunteers to continue providing these services at no cost to our clients.

Media Contact:

Sarah Nejdl - Executive Director
833-903-SAFE (7233) Mon-Fri 8am-5pm

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